Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using the MusicMonarchy product, service, and features ("Service"). These Terms of Use are intended to determine the contractual and / or commercial relationship between MusicMonarchy and MusicMonarchy users.

Before registering, please carefully read the related terms and conditions (terms and conditions, community guidelines, privacy policy) which is also the agreement between the user and MusicMonarchy and make sure you understand everything. If you do not understand or accept certain things, you will not be able to use our service. Under the terms of use, our users undertake to comply with the applicable laws and regulations.

There is no charge for using our service, however, we fund the site and our staff through user-generated ads. By accepting the Terms, the user agrees to the display of advertisements. We also try to show you the most relevant ads possible by analyzing your data and user activity. We help advertisers deliver their ads to the audience they choose, and we provide report on the performance of those ads.

We will not sell your personal information to anyone unless you give us permission to do so.

Effective Date 2024. December 20.