Warranty statement

You understand and agree to provide the MusicMonarchy Service "As is" and "Available" without any express or implied warranty or warranty.

Neither MusicMonarchy nor any owners of related content

  • makes no warranties, obligations or conditions:
    • quality,
    • legal purity,
    • marketability,
    • fitness for purpose,
  • does not warrant that the MusicMonarchy Service and related content are:
    • free from harmful ingredients, and / or
    • free of malware.

MusicMonarchy makes no representations, guarantee, warranties, contribution or responsibility,

  • the functions of the services provided by third parties,
  • content published by users,
  • links to external sites published on MusicMonarchy and the content and / or features on those sites,
  • external links to ads on MusicMonarchy and the content and / or features on those pages,
  • external products and services published on MusicMonarchy,
  • also for transaction activities incurred between the user and the external service provider in connection with the above.

Without the foregoing, nothing in this Section shall have the effect of limiting MusicMonarchy's liability in the event of failure, in whole or in part, or inadequate performance of its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the provision of the Service. This section applies to the extent permitted by applicable law.

This point does not affect the legal rights of the user as a consumer.

We used a translator engine for this English content. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you find any incorrect phrase, let us know.