User-initiated account and / or profile termination

The user can stop using the service at any time and delete their profiles and / or account at any time.

MusicMonarchy-initiated account and / or profile termination

MusicMonarchy reserves the right to terminate the agreements at any time, suspend access to the Service in whole or in part at any time, and may terminate it (whether a profile or account) without notice or compensation if

  • user: (links to related reporting options are required here)
    • seriously, permanently, or repeatedly violates the MusicMonarchy Terms and Conditions, intends to violate, attempts to circumvent,
    • does not reach the minimum age for that country
    • did not use our service and / or content in accordance with the agreement,
    • infringes the intellectual property rights of MusicMonarchy or its licensors,
    • circumvents or attempts to circumvent MusicMonarchy's security and technical protection measures,
    • engages in activities that infringe on the commercial interests and values of MusicMonarchy,
    • represents a dangerous person or entity
    • re-create or re-register a previously disabled account owner, profile, or event
  • necessary to comply with a legal obligation or a court decision,
  • we have reason to believe that any activity has occurred that may cause harm or liability to our users, third parties, or MusicMonarchy,
  • if we believe that the service provided to the user is no longer economical

Validity and Termination

The terms and conditions accepted by users will remain in effect until terminated by either party.


In the event of a breach of the agreements, we may trace your account and / or profile (s).

A megállapodások megszegése esetén, felhasználó fiókját és vagy profilját (profiljait) visszakövetelhetjük.

MusicMonarchy's obligation in the event of termination of the agreement

If the user or MusicMonarchy terminates the agreement or MusicMonarchy suspends the right to use our service, the user agrees that MusicMonarchy is not liable in any way and shall not be liable to the user.

Notification of termination or suspension of a user account and / or profile

If we have to act on the above, we will notify you of the reason for our decision, except

  • if it violates the law or any official instructions, it could expose MusicMonarchy to legal liability, or
  • prevent an investigation, or
  • prevent the integrity or operation of the service, or
  • harm any user, third party or MusicMonarchy

If we have reviewed your appeal request and believe that your appeal is appropriate, we will reinstate the content and service and notify you by email. If the appeal is rejected, the suspension will remain active. Refusal does not entail any additional punishment. An alert can only be appealed once.

Convert to a memorial page

In order to convert a user-created profile into a memorial page, or in the event of the death or incapacity of the testator or a person expressly authorized to do so by a valid will or official document, please send us the related documents and request. As soon as we have reviewed the request and found the request to be authentic, we will convert the profile into a memo page. The legatee, family member, or person authorized to do so may request that any content be changed or deleted, except for certain ratings and feedback to our service. We may not release any login information to a legatee contact or family member.

User report

  • General
    • Reporting form
    • If acting on behalf of a third party, please attach a formal statement of consent, document
    • Please provide as much information as possible during the report so that we can investigate, execute, and respond as soon as possible
    • Documents submitted
      • Please submit only the required documents
      • Please cover any other personal information
      • Do not digitally manipulate the covers, as these will not be accepted
      • Available formats are photos, scanned documents
      • Documents are encrypted and stored securely, no submitted documents are made public, and they are not shared with other MusicMonarchy users
      • The maximum storage period for documents is 1 year
  • Information to be provided during report
    • Applicant details
      • Full name,
    • Affected profile and account details of the deceased
      • Account full name (deceased name)
      • Profile name,
      • Profile urlje
    • Related documents and information
      • More related information
      • To convert to a commemorative page, we need the following official documents (by no means the original documents, mostly a digital copy, a readable photo, or a scanned document):
        • Regarding proof of jurisdiction
          • Birth certificate
          • Power of attorney
          • Inheritance provision
          • Written will
        • Proof of death
          • Mourning report
          • Memorial card
          • Death certificate
          • Birth certificate
    • Statement
      • The data provided is information, the data is accurate
      • The applicant is aware of the terms of MusicMonarchy

Intentional misleading report

If it turns out that the notifier intentionally misrepresents false things, we may disable or even delete all of its content, accounts, profiles, events.

When sending the documents, please be sure to cover any unnecessary information.

In order to export an extract from the profile and event data related to the account converted into a commemorative page, the claimant needs the following documents: an official certificate that the person concerned is an authorized representative, and a court order. However, we do not guarantee that the content in question will continue to be available due to the status of the site.

What happens when we turn a profile into a memo page

  • No one can further edit that profile or account
  • The "Memory page" tag is displayed on the profile
  • All data, content, will continue to be available
  • Related features will not be available to third parties, such as:
    • mark as friend,
    • marking in references,
    • private message, etc.

Remove a deceased person's account or profile

To remove a profile created by a deceased user, or a probate contact, or a person expressly authorized to do so in a valid will or official document, in the event of that person’s death or incapacity, please send these documents and the request to us. As soon as we have reviewed the request and found the request to be authentic, the profile will be removed. We may not release any login information to a legatee contact or family member.

User report

  • General
    • Reporting form
    • If acting on behalf of a third party, please attach a formal statement of consent or document
    • Please provide as much information as possible during the report so that we can investigate, execute and respond as soon as possible.
    • Documents submitted
      • Please submit only the required documents
      • Please cover any other personal information
      • Do not digitally manipulate the covers, as these will not be accepted
      • Available formats are photos, scanned documents
      • Documents are encrypted and stored securely, no submitted documents are made public, and they are not shared with other MusicMonarchy users
      • The maximum storage period for documents is 1 year
  • Information to be provided during notification
    • Applicant details
      • Full name,
    • Affected profile and account details of the deceased
      • Account full name (deceased name)
      • Profile name,
      • Profile urlje
    • Related documents and information
      • More related information
      • To remove a deceased person's profile or account, we need the following documents (by no means the original documents, mostly a digital copy, a readable photo, or a scanned document):
      • Regarding proof of jurisdiction
        • Birth certificate
        • Power of attorney
        • Inheritance provision
        • Written will
      • Proof of death
        • Mourning report
        • Memorial card
        • Death certificate
        • Birth certificate
    • Statement
      • The data provided is information, the data is accurate
      • The applicant is aware of the terms of MusicMonarchy

Intentional misleading report

If it turns out that the notifier intentionally misrepresents false things, we may disable or even delete all of its content, accounts, profiles, events.

When sending the documents, please be sure to cover any unnecessary information.

In order to export an extract from the profile and event data related to the account converted into a commemorative page, the claimant needs the following documents: an official certificate that the person concerned is an authorized representative, and a court order. However, we do not guarantee that the content in question will continue to be available due to the status of the site.

Send an appeal, send feedback

If we have mistakenly disabled an account or profile, the user has the opportunity to notify us.

Access data related to user accounts and profiles

Before deleting your MusicMonarchy account and / or profile, users are advised to back up any content they want, as MusicMonarchy assumes no responsibility for any material, especially content that is sought after deletion or account termination.

We used a translator engine for this English content. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you find any incorrect phrase, let us know.