Access to MusicMonarchy account, profile

The User's private, personal data may only be accessed by the User, unless MusicMonarchy is required to disclose certain Data through an investigation upon official request.

Minimum age

MusicMonarchy users minimum age.
If we become aware that your account, profile is below the minimum age specified in the terms and conditions, the affected account and profile will be deleted from our system.

Age related report

If a user becomes aware that a particular user shouldn't use our service based on their age, they may report that user via the link below.

Content visibility

Content shared by your child can be seen by anyone, except private conversations.
Your child has the option to block certain users as well as remove the acquaintance.

Ads settings

Within the European Union, parents have more control over their child's data management and targeted interest-based advertising.

Infringement investigation

If you feel you have been or are in imminent danger or being abused, please contact the NAIH (National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority) for information and an investigation.

Address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.

If you or your child are being harassed on the Internet, through any content (image, text, audio, video) or activity, you can report it at the link below:

Remove content shared by children

Since no one can grant access to your child's account, we ask the parent to work with the child to remove the affected content. If this is not possible, please report the content removal request via your child's profile or the registered email.

Content removal, reporting, activity reporting

If you feel that any user has violated the Terms or Community Principles in relation to your child or you, we will provide the following reporting options:

We used a translator engine for this English content. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you find any incorrect phrase, let us know.