Trademark rights may vary by country. For more information about trademark rights, visit the United States Copyright Office and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). MusicMonarchy does not provide legal advice on any subject, in this case, please consult a specialist lawyer.
A trademark is used to distinguish the products or services of a company or person. The subject of the trademark can be graphics, symbol, logo, word, slogan, brand name. A trademark is protected if it is used to distinguish a product or service.
The general purpose of a trademark is to prevent misunderstandings between consumers regarding a product or service. The trademark owner may be able to prevent illegal trademark infringement by others.
Trademark law depends on several factors (the list is not complete)
Within the framework of MusicMonarchy's services, the abuse of trademark rights is prohibited.
MusicMonarchy makes no representations or warranties with respect to any disputes related to this subject. As part of the MusicMonarchy service, we recommend that you resolve your trademark disputes by contacting the infringer directly, possibly in court or by any legal means. However, we allow users to report trademark abuse.
Trademark infringement is when someone or a company uses the trademark of another trademark owner without permission, the purpose of the infringement is a business purpose (sales, advertising of a given product or service) and it leads to misleading regarding the source related to that trademark.
Trademark infringement may also be affected by other factors, such as geographical restrictions or opinions or criticisms related to the given trademark.
In many countries, it is possible to register trademark rights, for example
Trademark law is valid indefinitely. If the trademark owner no longer uses it, or uses it unproperly, may lose the trademark rights in the trademark.
Trademark Renewal:
Trademark counterfeiting is the unlawful use of any content of a trademark of a protected product. Advertising, distribution, trade, production of counterfeit, copied, protected items, goods, services is an illegal act that is harmful to trade, consumers and, most importantly, the trademark owner. It can be considered a violation of the law if the infringer indicates that it is a copy or forgery.
The use of a trademark does not always constitute trademark infringement or infringement, for example, as long as it does not confuse or mislead the affiliation of the service or product. This can be the case, for example, when someone uses a given trademark in commentary, evaluation, criticism. Trademark law is limited to the country or geographic area in which the trademark owner uses it.
If we remove any content from any user, it is possible that trademark infringement has occurred. In this case, we will also send you a related informational email (we cannot assume in all cases that the removal will be preceded by the email in question).
In the removal notification email, the user may indicate to us that they believe they have the right to use or continue to use the content.
We will mark the related information in the email, such as
If the user believes that the content has been removed unlawfully, please contact the rights owner.
If any user repeatedly abuses any copyright or other rights, we may disable or delete the account, profile, event. If we restore content for that user, the restoration will be considered in the event of further infringement.
If the user believes that a trademark infringement has occurred within the scope of our service
The report can only be made by the trademark owner or his authorized representative. In the case of a third party, the trademark owner or his authorized representative must be notified.
If a notifier is found to be fraudulently or misleadingly reporting content, we may deactivate or delete the associated account, profiles and events. The related misleading activity may also result in liability for damages under section 512 (f) of the DMCA.
During the report, the name, telephone number and email address of the notifier will be provided to the notified party.
We will send you a reminder email about this notification with all the relevant information if you would like to contact MusicMonarchy regarding this matter. You can request more information about the case.
If you want to report content that we display with the help of external service providers (e.g.: Facebook, Spotify, SoundCloud, Deezer, Youtube, Twitch, Instagram, etc.), please navigate through the direct links to the respective service provider, where you can report.
If you wish to withdraw a user's previous report, please email us with the details of the related report.
The affected content will be restored, and we will notify the Parties of this activity. If we can't restore by any technical reasons, we will notify the Notified Party that the content can be reuploaded.
We used a translator engine for this English content. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you find any incorrect phrase, let us know.