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Sexual exploitation of adults

User tasks User report Deliberate misleading report MusicMonarchy tasks

It is prohibited within or in connection with our service, sexual exploitation, violence, assault, nudity,

  • related content (be it description, representation, visual material, video, audio material, any file),
  • and related activities, whether (the list is not complete)
    • non-consensual act, violence, coercion, exploitation,
    • revenge, seduction, fraud, threat, deception, extortion,
    • publishing, sharing,
    • promotion, advertising,
    • trade, sale, purchase, exchange, transfer,
    • preparation, production,
    • delivering, distributing,
    • offering, donating, gifting,
    • representation, support,
    • encouraging, recruitment,
    • expression of intent, speaking for them,
    • giving instructions, calling for execution, coordination
    • confession or a statement or declaration concerning their use,
    • or attempting to do so,
  • to any user, account owner, profile or event
  • related items (the list is not complete)
    • Any content related to sexual contact, animal torture, necrophilia, bestiality, violence, violent stripping
    • Sexual exploitation, threats, offerings, trafficking, depictions, glorification, instruction, declaration of intent, confession, sharing of references, including
      • Sexual intercourse
        • Sexual intercourse or oral sex, even if only implied (if imminent or not directly visible), in connection with genital or anal stimulation
        • Presence of sexual by-products
        • Even said sexual activities with the participation of animals
      • Content that depicts anyone with sexual elements, including the following
        • Magnified genitals or anus
        • Person in a state of sexual arousal
        • Mooring equipment
        • Sex toys
        • Sexually charged costume
        • Undressing
        • Configured environment
        • Kissing with open mouth
      • Representing anyone in a sexual context
      • Content that identifies victims of anyone's sexual exploitation
    • Any content that contains or facilitates objectionable interactions with anyone
      • Initiate an unsolicited connection
      • Organizing and offering physical sexual intercourse
      • Obtaining sexual material from anyone
      • Show nudity to anyone
    • Content that attempts to exploit anyone
      • Threatening or extorting anyone, even by possibly disclosing intimate images or information, in order to defraud the threatening money, favor or intimate images
      • Private sex conversations and related content sharing or threats
    • Any content that depicts anyone in a sexual context, whether it's revenge or an intimate image without consent
    • Any group, page, profile aimed at sexualization
    • Anything related to the nudity of anyone, close-ups, depictions of the genitals, nipples, anus, buttocks, whether or not covered with translucent material
    • Any content related to non-sexual violence
    • Any content that makes fun of victims of content or activity listed above

User tasks

  • we provide for our users the opportunity
    • for reporting (user reporting section)
    • to disable any profile
  • other things to do
    • don't react, answer
    • don't hide bullying, intimidation, discuss the incident with someone you trust
    • save the content so that you can refer to it later if the investigation goes official or if you want to dispute it with someone you trust

User is good to know, that if someone asks for something that is uncomfortable for them, you have the right to say no.

If the user considers, that someone is in danger, notify the authorities or the associated emergency service provider.

User report

  • General things
    • Reporting form
    • If acting on behalf of a third party, please attach a formal statement of consent or document
    • At this time, we only accept reports from registered email addresses
      • During the report, the data of the notifier will be linked to the related registered account, profile
      • Notifier is kindly requested to send a notification from the registered email address
    • Please provide as much information as possible during the report so that we can investigate, execute and respond as soon as possible.
  • Information to be provided in report
    • Notifier details
      • Full account name
      • Profile name
      • Profile url
    • Notified data (who committed the offense)
      • Profile name
      • Profile url
    • Profile or account infringing content or activity (not required if same as notifier)
      • Profile name
      • Profile url
    • Reported content
      • Which rule (s) it is violated and how
      • More related information
      • Precise definition of content
        • Defining content
          • if possible supported with a photo, picture cutter, screenshot, highlighted the relevant part, where the marking does not cover the affected part
          • enter the url of the content, profile, event
        • Private chat, conversation
        • MusicMonarchy email, or other content related to MusicMonarchy (which cannot be linked to a profile or event)
    • Statement
      • The provided data or information is accurate
      • The notifier is aware of the terms of MusicMonarchy

The identity of the notifier will not be disclosed.

Deliberate misleading report

If it turns out that the notifier is deliberately report misleading false data or information, we may disable or even delete all of its content, accounts, profiles, events.

MusicMonarchy tasks

If we become aware of any content or activity mentioned above that may harm anyone or businesses, then

  • if we deem it appropriate, we may notify and involve the authorities in the investigation
  • we block the content, set your account and all related profiles and events to Inactive / Unavailable as long as the investigation or evaluation lasts
  • we reserve the right, to delete all related content, access, accounts, profiles, events

If any of the above content or activities are related to minors or children, we will notify the relative and / or the authorities, depending on the severity.

We used a translator engine for this English content. Thank you in advance for your understanding. If you find any incorrect phrase, let us know.